O-Ring Picks

AED 65.00

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SKU: ORPS-B Category:


O-Ring Pick Set

This brass O-ring pick set helps you remove and replace O-rings without scratching/damaging the delicate sealing surfaces in regulators, valves and other scuba equipment. The angle hook and the curved hook are for removing O-rings, while the curved ball tip is for positioning new O-rings.

Note: It is not advisable to reuse O-rings, especially when they have been removed using a sharp tool. The O-ring will most likely be scratched or punctured during removal and this damage may not be visible to the naked eye. Reusing such an O-ring will lead to unexpected failure which may create a life-threatening situation underwater. O-rings are not expensive and XR Scuba recommends discarding used O-rings and replacing with new ones.

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